





​乐鱼,江苏海宏建设工程有限公司位于江苏省南通市,是一家具有港口与航道工程施工总承包一级资质和水利水电工程施工总承包二级资质的施工企业。 经过近三十年的艰苦奋斗,公司在港航、水利领域拥有了较强的


焦点提醒:江苏海宏扶植项目无限公司位在江苏省南通市,是一家具有口岸与航道项目施工总承包一级天资和水利水电项目施工总承包二级天资的施工企业。 颠末近三十年的艰辛奋斗,公司在港航、水利范畴具有了较强的实力,获得了杰出的名誉,取得了质量治理、情况治理、职业健康平安治理系统认证证书和AAA资信品级证书,博得了重合同取信用企业称号。 在董事长兼总司理孟咸宏师长教师带领下,公司各部分和施工项目部紧密亲密共同,治理规范,现有在岗职工一千余人,此中具有专业职称的手艺人员600多人。装备方面,公司具有在国内具中国给水排水2022年中国城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十三届)邀请函暨征稿启事 中国给水排水2022年中国城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十三届)邀请函暨征稿启事江苏海宏扶植项目无限公司位在江苏省南通市,是一家具有口岸与航道项目施工总承包一级天资和水利水电项目施工总承包二级天资的施工企业。 颠末近三十年的艰辛奋斗,公司在港航、水利范畴具有了较强的实力,获得了杰出的名誉,取得了质量治理、情况治理、职业健康平安治理系统认证证书和AAA资信品级证书,博得了重合同取信用企业称号。 在董事长兼总司理孟咸宏师长教师带领下,公司各部分和施工项目部紧密亲密共同,治理规范,现有在岗职工一千余人,此中具有专业职称的手艺人员600多人。装备方面,公司具有在国内具领先程度的6500m³/h 和3500m³/h的绞吸式挖泥船、4200m3和8000m3耙吸式挖泥船多艘,日本进口的13m³抓斗式挖泥船2艘,滚筒长度42m以上的多功能铺排船3艘和其他配套的各类项目船舶共40多艘,砼搅拌系统、发掘机、推土机等项目机器若干。 从南通创业伊始,到现在脚步拓展到沿江、沿海一带,公司所承建的项目也愈来愈趋势专业化、年夜型化,在围堤项目、航道整治项目、疏通与吹填项目、船埠项目、船厂项目、涵闸项目、桥梁项目等范畴都获得了骄人的事迹。 在近几年的成长中,公司抢抓机缘,全方位引进人材,在口岸与航道项目、水利水电项目的施工中堆集了丰硕的经验,试探出了一条合适本身成长的治理模式。 雄关慢道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。公司将秉持“严谨、包涵、成长、立异”的企业精力,上下求索,在新的方针计谋的引领下,全力制造坚实的品牌,以优良的项目、完美的办事和丰满的热忱驱逐更加光辉、光辉的明天! Jiangsu Haihong Construction Engineering Co., Ltd (hereafter called Haihong) is located at Nantong city, Jiangsu province, P.R. CHINA. Haihong is a construction companywith Grade Aof qualification of general contracting in the port and waterway engineering industry and second grade of qualification of general contracting in the water conservancy and hydropower engineering industry. Throughover30years’ perseveringhard work, Haihong has achieved a good reputation and strong strength to gain the quality management system certificate, environmental management system certificate, occupational health & safety management certificate and “AAA-level” credit enterprise, and also won the trustworthy title. Under the leadership of CEO Mr. Meng Xianhongand the regular management system, each office departmentand project departmentare in close cooperation.Among the 1000 plus staffs, the technical staffs withspecialized positional titlesaccount for60%. Furthermore, Haihong has severalcutter suction dredgerswith capacity of 6500m³/h, 3500m³/hand Tralling suction hopper dredger with capacity of 8000m3 and split trailing suction hopper dredger with capacity of 4200 m3; two13 m³ grab dredgersimported from Japan, three multi-purpose Geo-textiles-laying vessels with drum length over forty-two meters and more than forty supporting engineering vessels. Haihong also has a number ofaccessory equipments such asconcrete mixing systems, excavators, bulldozers,etc. Starting from Nantong, Haihong developsalong the Yangtze River and coastal area, the company’s construction works tend to be more and more professional and large-scaleon the dyke engineering, waterway regulation engineering, dredging and reclamation engineering, wharf engineering, dock engineering, gate and culvert engineering, bridge construction, etc., havemade remarkable achievement in the industry field. In recent years, Haihong seizes the opportunity and all around attracted talents to accumulated a wealth of experience from the process of the port and waterway engineering, water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction and established management model to suitable its own development. Idle boast the strong pass is a wall of iron; with firm strides we are crossing its summit. Haihong will follow thespiritof "preciseness, tolerance, development, innovation" and search with unbendingwill, efforts to create a solid brand under the new strategic target. Our high qua����APPlity, excellent service and ebullience are makinga more brilliant future!


  • ​重金属污水处理工艺-行业新闻-污水处理设备,一体化污水处理设备,工业废水处理,佰仕德
